Full Version: tranney speedo part
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I need the plastic part ,gears,whatever you call it,that speedo line hooks up to at the tranney. Do they reproduce this part? I don't know what you call this part,but mine went out. Don't really care about the having a speedo,but gotta have my odometer. Thanks ToddBeer
Good morning Honcho
If you mean the speedometer adapter that fits into the transmission housing for the speedometer to thread into, Classic Industries

If you mean the plastic gears, what color are you looking for?

It's been 5 yrs. since I needed one but I'll look to see if I still have one
If you look in the service manual there is a chart to determine which one to order Honcho
Ok I really don't know what part I need. I need the part to make the speedo cable turn from the tranney. Right now,it ain't turning squat. Fran, it's probably the plastic gears,cause I can screw and unscrew the cable from tranney with no problem
I'll check in the morning and see if I have one
You need to check and see if there is a gear in there and may not set properly, the housing is adjustable depending on size gear.
I checked but no luck
- pull out and inspect the gear. If the teeth look good it is possible the housing is in the wrong position. The housing will show the gear teeth ranges and a locator - count your teeth and spin the housing around an line up the marks.
It's been workin since I bought the car. Ok, am I gonna need to drop the tranney slightly,cause man there is no room under there to see what the hell I am a doing. My buddy has a 727 out of his bee and I am going over there this weekend to see what I need to do. Going by tranney shop in morning and see if they have one of the gizmo's,gear,plastic part,still don't know what it's called. BTW,thanks Fran for looking,appreciate it buddy. I need my odometer!!!! I just figure this is just another learning experience in owning a muscle car,it's all good!!
Your welcome
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