Full Version: rear stripe on a 67 coronet? pics? decide
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There was a stripe available for the Coronets that ran between the wheel wells - down low near the rocker panels - that had a wide middle stripe and a smaller one on top and bottom of that - the word DODGE went behind the front wheels in place of part of the middle stripe - not sure if it was a dealer installed option or factory - those style of 3 stripes was really popular back in the '60's.
BBishere2 Wrote:There was a stripe available for the Coronets that ran between the wheel wells - down low near the rocker panels - that had a wide middle stripe and a smaller one on top and bottom of that - the word DODGE went behind the front wheels in place of part of the middle stripe - not sure if it was a dealer installed option or factory - those style of 3 stripes was really popular back in the '60's.
Those were factory installed, I've seen only 2 cars with them!
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