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Has anyone purchased and installed one of these OD kits in the transmission?


I doubt I can ever afford the new 5-speed they are coming out with but noticed a price drop on the kits. I would love to drop some RPMs in fourth gear on the freeway . Banging Gears
Anybody ?
Sorry Andy, I've had a Keisler 5 spd sitting in my basement for more than 10 years...
I don't have a 4 speed car at this time so I am not in the market for one, but I can say that Jamie Passon is a class act. I have done several transactions with him over the years. I have looked that the overdrive tranny several times, and it looks like a real nice piece.
markz Wrote:I can say that Jamie Passon is a class act. I have done several transactions with him over the years.

Just recently installed one in my 68rt a month or so ago I had Brewer's Performance do my trans; I know we discovered that passon has a bad run of 18 spline shafts at the moment; If u go that route make sure they test your new clutch disc on the spline will save u a lot head scratching; Ron
O Wow this is input I need most, thankyou Ron .

So now your good with yours
Yes I'm good with mine there's a lot of little trick's to setting this tranny up; tested my faith a time or 4; There's No Installation or set-up Instruction's; but if you go this route Make Sure You Order a Complete Kit including Clutch and Pressure Plate from passon or Brewer's Performance the guy's at brewer's were very helpful Jamie P is a ***hole; I'd be glad to answer any ?'s you have; P message me I'll give U my cell #
Hey Andy, You still thinking about the overdrive; I think you'd be really happy with it if your looking for drivabuility and great for a long trip; Ron
elevatorman Wrote:Hey Andy, You still thinking about the overdrive; I think you'd be really happy with it if your looking for drivabuility and great for a long trip; Ron
Yes I am Ron, just spinning around like Taz over here, thanks for reminder on your offer to speak to me about it.

[Image: 2Q==]