Full Version: Hello from Kentucky 67 coronet
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Pages: 1 2
thanks guys. excited for warm weather soon...
Welcome! Looks like you grabbed a nice one!
That's a great looking ride!
thanks guys. glad I found this site. always nice to rub elbows with fellow coronet owners...
uncledon Wrote:3558do you all like this look? some do some don't...matter of personal opinion.
Welcome to the site! I personally love that look. The first thing I did to my car was change the Factory 15" rally rims to 17" 5 spokes.... Love the tuner look.
that belvedere is my old car, loved it, miss it, hated to sell it but cash was more important at the time. so I found this coronet to replace it. happy man I am.
now just to decide on what wheel tire combo I want to go with.....
decisions decisions...
Welcome, that's a great looking car.
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