Racer Brown Wrote:I would have to sit inside in the a/c with a cold drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shoot Steve, we don't start doing things like that here until it gets into 110's to 115's in June, July and August buddy! One other thing that I'll mention though, is that when it does get that hot here, I don't have to get up on top of my roof and shovel the sunshine off of my roof!!!
thebankerstoy Wrote:Shoot Steve, we don't start doing things like that here until it gets into 110's to 115's in June, July and August buddy! One other thing that I'll mention though, is that when it does get that hot here, I don't have to get up on top of my roof and shovel the sunshine off of my roof!!! 
Easy there I've had a poor guy on my roof for at least three days shoveling after every snow storm.
It hit 30 and feels like a heat wave. I've gone through over a thousand gallons of waste oil this season so far.
I'm done!!!
that's funny you say that, I was out today changing oil in the truck it was 29 in the sun, I actually thought to myself "this is pretty warm"
Richard, I don't know how you can handle that kind of heat! I know you must get used to it after a few years but I would not get used to it. My bro-in-law in Albuquerque tells me not to come visit him during the summer months, I would literally melt away with only my glasses left on the ground! Something like the witch in the movie Wizard of Oz. I'm meltinggggggg....mmmmeltingggg.....
I feel the exact same way about the cold weather Tim, when it gets in the 50's, I'm looking for a jacket! I have pretty severe arthritis, so the cold would reduce me to laying on the floor in a fetal position!
67440Dodge Wrote:I think I just did 
Yes sir you did, but I was just hoping that you could write up a simple separate post with the information you listed in your previous post and without all of the off topic stuff we got into here in this thread that will then be saved at the top of this forum page as a locked informational thread. This would make it easy to find for everybody in the future.
thebankerstoy Wrote:Yes sir you did, but I was just hoping that you could write up a simple separate post with the information you listed in your previous post and without all of the off topic stuff we got into here in this thread that will then be saved at the top of this forum page as a locked informational thread. This would make it easy to find for everybody in the future.
Richard, if I didn't know you better, I'd say you work for the government. LOL
thebankerstoy Wrote:Shoot Steve, we don't start doing things like that here until it gets into 110's to 115's in June, July and August buddy! One other thing that I'll mention though, is that when it does get that hot here, I don't have to get up on top of my roof and shovel the sunshine off of my roof!!! 
I would, but I'm having sooooo much fun running my snowblower!!

ws27 Wrote:Richard, if I didn't know you better, I'd say you work for the government. LOL
Well technically I was under Federal Government rules and regulations for over 32 years while working in the Banking industry my friend and dealing with people and their money all of those years did educate me on how to deal with folks in many different situations.........