Full Version: Can I bore a 273 LA to either a 318 LA or a 340 LA?
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Hi, my name is Joe and I just recently purchased a 1966 Dodge Coronet 4 door,,,, Pink. I'm not going to cry about it because it was only less than 1K for it and it does not need much work and I drove it to my house. It has a 273 LA engine w/ auto tranny. I already drove it and feels pretty smooth. The seats are original, the radio, the dashboard, steering wheel, hubcaps (4X), etc. It looks exactly like this (I was told they painted it about a month ago), and it has no dents and has 3 spots of rusts (they are about 1"X2", not too much) in the left door only (2 outside, 1 inside).

Mine is a 4 door though, and the seats are green, only difference.

Back to topic, is it possible to increase the bore size in it? thebankerstoy told me that the stroke are the same (3.31), but the bore size would go from a 3.625 to 3.91 or 4.04 and that I need to discuss that in the machine shop.

Also, if it's possible, should I bore it up or just keep it all original? I get about 13MPG on it and seems to be Ok mileage for a 60s car.

For just now, I'm just wondering if it's possible or it would put too much strain on the engine.

Hope I can a lot of help/responds on this topic, any information would be helpful, thanks.

I doubt the cylinder walls are thick enough.

Your best bet is to find a big block engine and transmission. The swap out is very easy and you can get them for decent money.
BTW, can we see pics. of your car. Also forgot to say welcome to the site.
Where are you located? I have a 318 you can have for free, just come get it. I'm in southern NY. Dutchess County.
no way will the 273 take that much of a boring. I would also suggest getting a 318 and go from there, they are easy and cheap to find. I have a block you can have for free too, in N.E. PA its a late 1970 casting. all the 273(not the pistons) stuff will fit in it.
Welcome REZOL, glad you found us!!
Thanks everyone, appreciate all the welcomes and support. Sure thing, but they are crappy pictures through a $10 phone though, will try to get better ones for next time. I live in Oklahoma far away from PA or NY Big Grin
Well, here is the pics. I really don't like the color, but for 800 and driveable, it seems decent.

What kind of color Interior/Exterior would it look good on these cars guys?

[Image: album.php?albumid=80&attachmentid=3419]342134223423
AS you can see from my other post, I really like the white top. Not too common. Almost any color would work, and work with the white top too, that is if you like it as much as I do.

What about medium copper metallic?
What ws27 said, a tan or copper, beings it's a 4dr.
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