Full Version: Its been a long time...
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I use to be a fairly active member on this site. Does anyone remember my cars ? My profile gives u one of them but what about the other?
i remember your username but i cant remember what cars you have. Banging Gears
Naw.. we only remember the fast ones Garth

Glad to see you're back!!
Hey nice to hear from you again.
Welcome back.
How's the Honda doing ?
Hi Garth, I remember you!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome back to the DCR.
I remember you too, welcome back.

I remember you had your Jeep stolen.
Hi and Welcome back ! I remember your blue `68 Coronet R/T Smile
Tyrra Wrote:Hi and Welcome back ! I remember your blue `68 Coronet R/T Smile

yes i still have the R/T.
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