Full Version: CNC Ported 318 Poly Heads
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I am working with a race engine builder on a 394 stroker poly. We spent some serious time (and money) porting the head till we felt we came up with good flow #'s without getting too aggressive. Then the ports were digitized and programed into the CNC machine and heads ported from that program. With the CNC porting all ports come out the same. We needed to sleeve the pushrods which came out very nice. We hit 1 water jacket but it was a intake port so it was patched up. We ran 3 different head flows. 11/32 and 5/16 valves on the hand ports then digitized these ports.CNC then done for these final #'s, 5/16 with some additional valve work. Here are the flow #'s all 28" with 1.94"' intake and 1.625 exhaust.[Image: headbang.gif]

11/32 int/exh
.10 75/63
.20 158/105
.30 218/130
.40 241/171
.50 250/192
.55 256/198
.60 260/201
.65 264/205

5/16 int/exh
.10 79/67
.20 162/109
.30 222/134
.40 245/175
.50 254/196
.55 260/202
.60 264/205
.65 268/209

5/16 with valve work int/exh
.10 72/67
.20 141/104
.30 211/133
.40 248/175
.50 263/198
.60 266/211
.70 271/217

Over the next month we will start to work up pricing and package for those interested. Feel free to ask any questions.

2 more pics
Great work !
What a coincidence, My friend is building a Henry J Gasser, was originally planning a Gen III Hemi but is seriously considering a Poly, How do your flow numbers compare to stock ports? (flow#'s and % increase) Looking at those flow numbers it looks like the heads would benefit greatly from forced induction. Once your CNC program is finalized will you be able to guarantee you won't get into a water jacket if we were to have a set done?
Very nice work. Wish I thought of having my 452 ( I think) heads cnc ported.
stock flow:
.100" 50/45
.200 116/83
.300 149/106

.400 171/126
.500 183/159
.600 n/a

CNC is finalized and pics and flow #'s that say 5/16 with valve work are after CNC. The pics show that I did get into a water jacket. It was an intake port so it is fine to patch it. It was about a pea sized hole. Patch is shown on the extra 2 pics I added. Because of core shift all heads are a little different so cant guarantee not hitting the water jackets but the are the highest flowing poly heads so risk equals reward!

[SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Here is the pricing for the CNC Ported poly heads. Also some pics of the crossover fill.
[SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Using Clients Poly Heads
[SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Price $2,800.00

[SIZE=2]CNC Stage 1 for one pair Bare
Hard exhaust seats
Performance Valve job
Machine, Install new 5/16" Bronze guides
Hone Valve Guides to spec's
Flat Mill Heads up to .010"
Open / Cut Spring Pockets
Open Pushrods holes and install bronze sleeves
Crossovers filled with 2000 dg F material
Pressure checked heads after work is done

Any unforseen issues are at an extra charge.

[SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Flow Numbers 28" OF WATER
[SIZE=2].100" .200" .300" .400" .500" .550" .600" .650"
Intake 1.94"

[SIZE=2][SIZE=2]79 162 222 245 254 260 264 268[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Exhaust 1.625"

[SIZE=2][SIZE=2]67 109 134 175 196 202 205 209[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Customers heads that have not been crack tested are subject to a release of all demands signed document before any work can be done.

These heads with proper assembly & a good intake manifold flow with a calculated componet configuration [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]can produce over 500 HP

Good read on page 34 of Chrysler Power mag about my engine builder.
Molds for the custom pistons are done.
Is Pavlovich you engine guy?
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