Full Version: Great to be here!
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Hello- New to the forum and just wanted to say Hi! I currently don't own a Mopar, but looking for a decent '71-73 Coronet Sedan to recreate my Grandfather's Police car from the 1970's. The car is long gone, but I have located the original (E) Exempt Oregon license plates, Federal Signal Model 12 lightbar, Shotgun lock, Federal Signal PA20A Siren Controller and a few other items that were on the car when he had it. I live in Oregon, about 16 miles east of Portland, so if anyone out there knows where a decent Coronet Sedan is, let me know! I have a car trailer, so I am willing to travel, within reason to pick it up, if needed.

Again, Great to be here and I look forward to hearing from anyone and just browsing around to see other members' cars and read stories...

welcome to the board .....
Thank You! I've already learned quite a bit, just from browsing around! This is going to be fun!
you have a PM ( private message ) .....
Good luck with your search and welcome
Welcome to the site !
welcome to the site, good luck with your search.
Welcome to the site and happy hunting. I am pretty sure you will be directed to a car in no time.
Welcome to the site, hope you find what you are looking for.
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