Full Version: Front Wheels Locked
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Reading over this thread and figured I'd throw a couple cents in. If the brakes are hanging up causing the drums to get warm, this heat will not significantly transfer into the fluid as it would have to get thru the asbestos material of the shoe, then the metal of the shoe, then the plunger, and lastly the piston before affecting the actual fluid. Remember that the brake fluid is not circulating in the system like antifreeze does in the engine/radiator so it should not warm up significantly....The fluid in the wheel cylinder basically stays in the wheel cylinder with the additional fluid being pushed into wheel cylinder from the master via the brake lines when the pedal is pushed. About the only source of heat that could have any affect would have to come from the exhaust possibly being too close to the brake lines. Again this should not actually apply any pressure at the wheel as any additional pressure "should" be released by the fluid expansion back into the master cylinder reservoir. If the brakes are "hanging" up after being applied, the only possible explanation is that fluid is not being allowed back into the master cylinder either from the inability of the plunger in the master not releasing fully due to the additional length that was added (my guess) or possibly a proportioning valve that has failed or is not hooked up correctly. A quick easy way to test the incorrect rod length theory would be that the next time the brakes hang up, loosen the bolts that hold the master cylinder in place. You should be able to move the cylinder forward from the rod far enough that there is NO pedal pressure being placed into the master. If the brakes release, you have found your problem. If they are still stuck then I would make sure the plumbing is correct and if the master cylinder is under warranty, return it. I guess I'm concerned that you added length to the push rod to get fluid to the rear of the car? This raises a red flag immediately that something is not right with the master cylinder but since you also changed all of the lines, it could mean something is incorrectly plumbed at the proportioning valve. Hope this helps a little. Please reply with what ultimately was wrong once you sort it out.
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