Full Version: Great news for Poly lovers..
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Chrysler Power and CPPA is introducing a NEW intake for poly motors.
Here is the non facebook link. I hope they have luck getting it built.
Nice, thanks Jeff.
Very nice I wish that was available when I had my poly motor in my 66 charger. I had to find my at a swap meet and it was cast iron.
Pre production pricing (399+ shipping) on the intake manifold ends tonight, get your orders in! Call 607-742-3407 or email

This has been a very long time coming. Badly needed by hot rodders for decades. I had 3 poly engines in my Mopar experience, only blew up one. Put a rod thru the block but it was my fault. The other 2 got me to work for years, the body's rotted before the poly ever showed signs of needing rebuilds. Great engine! That and the slant 6 engines, like a Timex watch...they just keep ticking.