The AMD support is in, I am extremely happy with it. Now onto the removal of undercoating..any tricks to get it off faster? I tried a Oscillating scraper and aircraft stripper and its just a huge mess (although its slowly coming off)
Here is the support before and after
and the undercoating, yuck!
Wow that would be tough getting that old petrified undercoating off, I have no experience at it but how about a Hotsy hot psi washer
reading some comments on the intergoogles about a heat gun and putty knife may work well, its all coming off..painted and fresh undercoating back on, lots a work for something that I'll never see covered up by the hey may help it to last another 46 years
i`ve used a putty knife and a heat gun with some success. it will take a while though, you must be patient and let the heat gun do its job.
3031&d=1381368365[/IMG]Looks nice
Looks great Kevin. Now how are you going to get the new engine in with that pesky support in the way?
On the undercoating, keep in mind it has asbestos in it for more body. (Who says men don't talk about these things LOL) So don't grind or do anything that will make it air born. To be perfectly honest, why don't you work with what is there, scrape off the loose and reapply over everything? That's what I did with my silver car.
I am so happy you told me the asbestos, the aircraft stripper is very nasty stuff and it may have been doing just that. I am using the multi tool scraper you see in the picture, my next move was to use the heat gun and putty knife
My thinking is since its my first car and the undercoating is from the factory and already old. I want it to be able to hand it down to one of my kids and have it last another 50 years for them
Piper Wrote:I am so happy you told me the asbestos, the aircraft stripper is very nasty stuff and it may have been doing just that. I am using the multi tool scraper you see in the picture, my next move was to use the heat gun and putty knife
My thinking is since its my first car and the undercoating is from the factory and already old. I want it to be able to hand it down to one of my kids and have it last another 50 years for them
LOL, I think the old undercoating will be there longer than 50 more years. LOL
It will probably outlive all of us together.