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I was washing off the engine of my 67 Coronet 383 . And at the rear of the intake I see what looks like some tin foil shoved up inbetween the intake and valley pan . I,m sure it for heat but i dont see any signs of it at the front of the intake . Is this factory or did someone else do this ? Seems to hold alot of water when washing the engine off . Thanks . BooBoo
BooBoo Wrote:I was washing off the engine of my 67 Coronet 383 . And at the rear of the intake I see what looks like some tin foil shoved up inbetween the intake and valley pan . I,m sure it for heat but i dont see any signs of it at the front of the intake . Is this factory or did someone else do this ? Seems to hold alot of water when washing the engine off . Thanks . BooBoo
That is an insolator between the intake and valley pan cover from the factory, It probably got shifted while you were cleaning the motor.
Chrysler used 2 of these on top of the valley pan to quiet the engine noise. They are found on C body cars more often than on B body cars.
Histoy Wrote:Chrysler used 2 of these on top of the valley pan to quiet the engine noise. They are found on C body cars more often than on B body cars.


I found 2 of them on a 383 I removed from a 70 Newport many years ago.