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hi Guys and Gals..Barry I said in my other post I have a fuel issue..i was gonna make like a trivia out of this thing but I need to get right to the problem least try..67 Coronet 440 slant Wife and I were drivin down the road when it suddenly just stopped was getting gas but something was causing it to just die.well,i replaced the voltage reg.and coil and seemed to be luck did it again..always around 5 or 6 miles out.just dies.well,now it wasn't getting any gas.very little so,i replaced the fuel pump.blew out the lines sending unit is clean.had a gasket leak there.bad gas leak. but fixed died again..5 ,6 miles. out.always the same spot about weird..could it be the vent tube,gas cap has some chips out of the rubber.but why did it run w/the sending unit leak.if its an air/pressure leak..ok that's all I did.theres one other thing it could be other than gas cap,or vent tube. and im gonna let you all guess what that one thing COULD be. I hope to God its not the problem I think it is..but I will fix guys will freak out if I told you what it possibly was..but maybe you guys are good so just might nail it .I don't know..see ya..Barry...God Bless.
..oh ya im not selling my car any longer.that should make a few of ya happy.just couldn't do it.thats my other baby.ha,ha.
Being in Arizona I must ask how hot it was, vapor lock comes to mind here.
75 80 not keen on vapor does this happen.sorry for my stupidity ha,ha....ive driven this car in 100 degree wheather all problems.last year too.
Barry, when it dies, does it still have no gas?

If the tank is not vented properly, you will hear a suction sound when you open the gas cap. So next time it dies, go straight to the gas cap and open it to see.

Also check for spark too. Are your gauges still on when it dies?

Keep us posted
I didn't see that you replaced the fuel filter so my guess would be a clogged fuel filter. you can find one that fits for about $3 at walmart.
65rbdodge Wrote:I didn't see that you replaced the fuel filter so my guess would be a clogged fuel filter. you can find one that fits for about $3 at walmart.

That's what I was thinking also Barry, especially since you mentioned that you had blown some compressed air through the fuel lines. You might have loosened up some gunk in the lines that wedged itself into the fuel filter which would then restrict fuel flow to the carb. The only thing that bothers me about that theory, is the fact that you say that the car seems to run just fine for the first five miles or so, so it your problem was a clogged fuel filter, it should run poorly from the get go.

My second thought would be that even though you mentioned that you've replaced the fuel pump, I've seen brand new fuel pumps be bad right out of the box, so if you purchased one of the pumps from a local parts store with an unknown manufacture, that could be the problem also.

I doubt that it's your gas cap, but if your fuel tank's metal vent line is plugged up, that might cause a problem. Did you run compressed air through that line as well? On all of the 1966 and 1967 B-Body cars (except possibly station wagons) there is one large rubber elbow hose that connects the upper and lower fuel tank filler tubes together and two smaller rubber elbow hoses that are attached to the metal fuel tank vent line. One is located at the top end of the vent line that connects the vent tube line to the fuel tank filler tube and a second one located at the bottom end of the metal vent tube line that connects the vent line to the fuel tank. If either one of those rubber elbow hoses are missing, or are damaged, that would allow dirt, or other foreign material to clog up the vent line and also allow gunk to get into the fuel tank and the rest of the fuel system.

Here's a picture of the aftermarket 1966-1967 rubber fuel tank filler tube and vent line elbow hose kit that various retailers sell. The large one is for the upper filler tube location and the two smaller ones are for the upper and lower metal vent tube line.
[Image: 1966-67Coronetfueltankrubberelbowkitfrom...rtFTEA.jpg]

This picture shows the larger metal fuel filler tube rubber elbow hose on the left side and the smaller upper metal vent tube rubber elbow hose on the right side on my 66 Coronet 500 just before I changed them a few months ago.
[Image: 1966Coronetfueltankfillertubeandfillertu...loseup.jpg]

It's a bit difficult to see, but that hose clamp that you see in this picture of my 66 Coronet 500 is attaching the lower rubber elbow hose to the bottom end of the metal vent tube line and the other end of the elbow hose is connected to the vent tube outlet on the fuel tank on the drivers side of the fuel tank.
[Image: 1966Coronet500mainfueltankfillertubevent...ank1-1.jpg]

I remember you saying that you had put the original two barrel carb back on the car not long after you purchased it. Did you disassembly the carb, clean it thoroughly with carb cleaner and then rebuild it with a carb kit?

Are you running the factory ignition system in your car, or has it been converted to an aftermarket electronic ignition system? If it's been converted to an electronic ignition set-up, I'd say check your ECU box to make sure that it's not having an issue.

Just asking some questions to help rule out various issues that you might be dealing with my friend.

1st.its getting spark.2nd fuel filter new.vent tube is next but its all there no damage to it..Richard it looks a lot diff.than yours or the 66 I should say..could be clogged but I dought it.seems fine and very inclosed.but we'll check gas to the carb once its hot/dies..i wait 15 min.or so and it starts up and 5 or 6 miles same thing again...if all these other things are fine..theres that one thing I told you it could shaft end play..can you believe it CAMSHAFT END PLAY.theres a bushing that will where out.and it will slide away from the fuel pump lever.i hope not and I don't think I will have to go that far.but its possible and ive heard of it w/the comp cam in a slant six not a good cam for the 6 ....oh its a 1bbl Richard..and yes Rich its getting spark.fuel filter is new..never had a problem w/fuel filters ever...well see ya soon.hopefullly it gets fixed w/out having to route to the cam..later..Barry.....God Bless.
Barry, did you check to see if there is a vacuum in the tank right when it dies. Before you tear into the old reliable /6 it would be a shame to just have the tank in a vacuum. A strong pump will usually suck the tank bottom in, but just to be sure please check this first.

Hi Rich good to hear from ya..for your question.not this time I didn't..forgot.but one of the other times.i believe it let air out when I popped the cap great at sound effects but cant do that here.ha,ha.but yes I heard air come out not in..what does this mean Rich..please help. and hey Rich,.thanks buddy your a good man. and I appreciate all you've done for me from in the past to now..thank you...i pray The Good Lord shines favor on you Rich..prepare for a blessing my sure you receive your share of them.but this is a prayer from 'Me" to The Lord.for You, personally.!.and I get results buddy.guaranteed.!!.just watch for something out of the are about to receive something special from the Man above.i don't know what but its coming..take care..Barry..thank you too Richard your such a great person and such a great help."the best"...and everyone here.all good folks..awesome folks..thank you..keep posted here people.hopefully we figure this out and it could help someone in the future.
PS.RICH.i don't understand the pump will suck the tank in..its steel hows it gonna cant..theres is no evidence that the tank is collapsing..if that's what you mean..i don't get it..the tank looks great.tottaly normal.
RICHARD..the fuel filter is new.i was going to replace the fuel pump again.i just cant do anything till the 1st..this sucks.but im patient..ill wait.i bet it could be the fuel pump.already thought of that too.thanks buddy....keep in touch Richard..right here..also points.ignition look good.not sticking.but will check again..1bbl holley gonna blow air through the vent tube asap.
This will explain vapor lock Barry

Even if its not the problem it is interesting reading
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