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I remeber a long time ago hearing that using ford trand fluid would make the car have more positive shifts . Also companys like B&M claim the same thing . Does anyone have any experince with this ? Thanks . BooBoo
BooBoo Wrote:I remeber a long time ago hearing that using ford trand fluid would make the car have more positive shifts . Also companys like B&M claim the same thing . Does anyone have any experince with this ? Thanks . BooBoo

Hi BooBoo,

I've run the Ford style transmission fluid in my 66 Coronet 500's high performance full manual shifted 727 Torqueflite automatic transmission since 1990 or 1991 when I installed the transmission. I've also used the Ford fluid in several other high performance Mopars I've owned over the years with modified automatics. If your transmission is completely stock, I doubt that the ford trans fluid will do much for you, but if you're running a heavily modified transmission like I am, the Ford fluid will handle higher transmission temps under high performance use, or towing heavy loads better. The three things that will give you more defined shifts, are a shift kit, a more performance orientated torque converter and a deep transmission oil pan that will hold additional transmission fluid to help transmission cooling under heavy use.

My take is this, Ford TYPE F trans fluid has more/different friction modifiers than GM DEXRON. It's the friction modifiers that make the difference in shifting. Mopar ATF+4 is in my opinion the best at handling extreme heat, it's what I use in my Coronet. I don't like ATF+4 in the winter in a daily driver though as the fluid doesn't work well cold.