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Anyone know the spring measurements for a 67 that came with a 440/Hemi? Local spring shop says they can make springs, they just need the measurements. They have 3 listed springs for this year, but it's not associated to drivetrain config.

The ones I have on the car are not the most reliable ones to use for a template.
Hello Mike,

Here are the rear leaf spring specifications from my 1966 Factory Service Manual. I'll get the same information from my 1967 FSM and will post it here soon.


[Image: 1966CoronetFactoryServiceManual-RearLeaf...ations.jpg]
And here's the 1967 Coronet and Dart rear leaf spring specifications for you Mike.


[Image: 1967CoronetampDartFactoryServiceManual-R...ations.jpg]
Mike, if you are looking for the unloaded arch dimension, let me know what configuration and I'll go out back to the spring shop and find out. They have 40 year old books to figure out what to re-arch springs to.

Yea, they need the unloaded arch dimensions. Eye-eye, then eye-centerbolt for front and rear.


Thanks for those specs. I've only got the 66 ones, and I know for the 440/426 setup they changed.

67440Dodge Wrote:Rich,

Yea, they need the unloaded arch dimensions. Eye-eye, then eye-centerbolt for front and rear.


Thanks for those specs. I've only got the 66 ones, and I know for the 440/426 setup they changed.


Your loyal followers are here to grant your every wish oh greatest of Mopar web sight leaders, ......well most all of your wishes except those that require illegal activities! Rofl

67440Dodge Wrote:Rich,

Yea, they need the unloaded arch dimensions. Eye-eye, then eye-centerbolt for front and rear.


Thanks for those specs. I've only got the 66 ones, and I know for the 440/426 setup they changed.


Call me tomorrow to remind me. They close at 5 and are not open on Sat.
Will do!
OK, for 67 B-body with 426 and 440 engine you have a 6 leaf on the left and 7 one the right. The arches are the same for both sides.

5 and 7/8 inch free arch. Which is off the car, put a straight edge from center of front eye to center of rear eye and measure to the top of the top leaf, not the bolt. But you measure at the center bolt, not the middle of the spring.

The measurements from eye to eye are as follows: front eye to center bolt is 22" following the spring arch not a straight line.
center bolt to rear eye is 36" following the spring arch not a straight line.
Thank you!
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