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Anyone know what the diameter is for a set of torsion bars for a 66/7 with a big block?
67440Dodge Wrote:Anyone know what the diameter is for a set of torsion bars for a 66/7 with a big block?
Thanks for posting that Mike, I did my Azhimer's thing again! I'm assumimg that a left side Hemi torsion bar from any 66-70 B body will work, a friend of mine is looking for one for a 69RR??
I've got a bunch of bars here, 1 I know is for a slanty B-body, just not sure if the other pair I got is for a big block or not.. I believe .920 is for Hemi cars..
This information should help you out my friend.


[Image: Whitebook-TorsionBars.jpg]
You might already know this, but the 3 digit number on the end is the last 3 digits of the part number.

OK, I'll leave that last post up as a monument to my stupidity.

It is very clear I didn't read the note BEFORE I posted that.

I really need to crawl back under my rock before I hurt myself...
Great list Richard
67r/t4speeder Wrote:Great list Richard

I'd love to take credit for that cool list Andy, but all of that information is found in one of the very informational "White Books" done by Galen Govier back in 2001. I just enlarged it to make it easier to read here on the DCR. Have I mentioned lately how much I absolutely LOVE these types of books? My only complaint is that Mr. Govier doesn't offer a much larger print version of these various "White Books" for old farts like me with poor eyesight, as I'm to the point where I have to take a photo of the page from these "White Books" that I want, then scan it into my computer and then enlarge it so that I can read it! Rofl :p

Thanks Richard!!
67440Dodge Wrote:Thanks Richard!!

You're very welcome my friend! Big Grin

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