Full Version: Need 67 TT 1 paint formula!
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I want to paint my 67 Coronet , the original factory TT 1, 'medium copper metallic' ( it was redone to the turbine bronze color years ago... it looks ok, but the interior is the TT 1 and I want to get back to all original.

The local paint supplier to the paint shops in town here has the chip but no mix formulas, and can't seem to locate any.

Does anyone out there have the chip chart and original paint formula for this color?

I understand it is a 1 year , Coronet only Mopar color?!

He says he can custom tint to match, but that will leave me in the same boat with no ability to match the color later if needed.

Appreciate any help,
Mopar either used PPG or Ditzler. If you check with your local PPG supplier I guarantee they should have it.
PPG#22706, it's the closest match they have a listing for;should be just fine for an overall paint job
here we go2834&d=1378999777[/IMG]
good info, thanks.
talked to the painter and he says he can produce the mix, but it won't match ( but close) as the poly component is different now... says the new paints are more reflective now and the old poly laid out flatter ( or something like that as the poly flecs laid out flatter originally) In other words the new paint will be close on color but the new paints will be brighter, , more depth, and better looking. So as you say, for an overall paint job, should be good to go with the new paint and the old formula.

As an aside, I'm here in Canada, where we can't legally get solvent paints any more; all water based. That in itself I am told will preclude an 'exact' color match; but I can get close, and with a base clear , the color should 'pop'.
Now that we're in to paints, can somebody explain the different hues from these 3, 88-1 Bright Blue Met, QQ1 Electric Blue Met and B-5 Blue?