Full Version: Coronet pics M.A.T.S Sweden
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I couldn't help but notice all the 66 and 67s.... you know not that I'm biased or anything. LOL

And Tyrra, no matter what you say, I will still accuse you of sneaking into the US and taking pictures here. Your shows really look like they are here.
I should have went to Sweeden to buy a Mopar! Thanks Tyrra!
Man those Dodge sales men were busy in the old days over there, lots of cool 68 & 69 Dodges and many converts to boot THANK YOU
thank you very much for sharing these with us Tyrra
Thanks for great pics Tyrra. My favorite, just liken the flat hood hot rodded a bit2810&d=1378916549[/IMG]
Thank you all , for you liked the pics. When I get time I can sort out and post a few other (goodies) Mopar car pics from this year's M.A.T.S if anyone are interested to see Wink
Tyrra Wrote:Thank you all , for you liked the pics. When I get time I can sort out and post a few other (goodies) Mopar car pics from this year's M.A.T.S if anyone are interested to see Wink
Andy sure likes his popcorn. LOL
Thanks for sharing!!!!!!
Wow very very awesome man! love the green coronet thats how mine is going to be looking after im done
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