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ws27 Wrote:Given those choices, I think I just might have to go it alone. LOL You're not going to catch me prancing around it tights.

Ok, so you're going to be one of those who are a bit more difficult to find a new idenity for huh buddy? Well, here are a few more options, but you'll have to consider a few drawback with each one.

Option #1 - Doctor / scientist with a severe anger management issue. Drawbacks are that you won't remember crap when you wake up and you will NEVER be able to wear a nice shirt again.

[Image: LouFerrigno-TheHulk2.jpg]

Option #2 - Starship captain. Drawbacks are that you MUST agree to go where no man has gone before with a dude with green pointy ears.

[Image: CaptainJamesTKirk.jpg]

Option #3 - Sheriff's deputy. Drawbacks are that you will be relocated to a small southern town where only Ford vehicles are driven and you will only be allowed to have one bullet which you MUST keep in your front shirt pocket.

[Image: BarneyFife.jpg]

Option #4 - Delivery person. Drawbacks are that you will HAVE to shave your legs daily, wear extremely short shorts and try to find two large equally sized grapefruit's to fill out the upper portion of your uniform on a daily basis.

[Image: UPSGirl2-1.jpg]

I don't know buddy, if you can't make one of these work, you're just going to have to pull a MacGyver and pull something out of thin air to avoid Mike and the others!

[Image: MV5BMTM4MDIwNjYyNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODUx...SY500_.jpg]

thebankerstoy Wrote:Option #4 - Delivery person. Drawbacks are that you will HAVE to shave your legs daily, wear extremely short shorts and try to find two large equally sized grapefruit's to fill out the upper portion of your uniform on a daily basis.

[Image: UPSGirl2-1.jpg]

I don't know buddy, if you can't make one of these work, you're just going to have to pull a MacGyver and pull something out of thin air to avoid Mike and the others!

[Image: MV5BMTM4MDIwNjYyNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODUx...SY500_.jpg]


He does this now... you honestly don't think he bought all those parts with money he made delivering oil do ya?
67440Dodge Wrote:He does this now... you honestly don't think he bought all those parts with money he made delivering oil do ya?

You know Mike, that makes a LOT of sense when I think about it! Rofl

Thin air? That about all that is between my ears.

BTW, what is the pic with the x?

...and I already have anger issues, I drive a Chebbie, can you blame me? Only thing is I don't turn green yet!
Ohhhh, nice UPS lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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