Does anyone know of a good body shop? I am looking for a trust

shop that will do a good job for a fair price. I am in central Maryland but will travel for a good job. Thanks in advance, Bob
Hey Bob.
In today's age. Most body shops won't touch a classic car. They make there living on collision repair.
Also the risk of the job coming back after 6 months due to a unseen blemish or lifting paint.
Don't dispair.
Depending on your inner handyman ? You could try to learn how to paint your own car. A lot of considerations need to be thought thru before you go that way.
If it was me? I'd find a local backyard shade tree body guy to take the job.
Join a local car club. Ask around who does body work and paint? Then? Check out the car he drives!
Good luck!
Thank you, I've talked to everyone I know and everybody has had the same experience i had. Cost a fortune, had car too long,lousy paint job!!! I'll keep looking and I appreciate the input. Bob