Full Version: 67 Ft. disc brake conversion question
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Whats everyone doing to change over to ft. disc brakes ? Are there a couple vendors ? One main supplier ? Not ready to buy yet , but looking at all my options . Thanks BooBoo
There's lots of vendors, and lots of options. It all depends what you plan to do with the car.

If it's a driver kind of car, look for a vendor that offers a kit that utilizes parts that come from a production vehicle. It's much easier to walk into a parts store and say "Give me a set of brake pads and rotors for a 78 Dodge Diplomat" than say "I bought a disk brake conversion kit for my 67 Coronet from Joe Schmoe's Brakes.. Can I get a set of brake pads for it?"
The easy response to that is...+1 ! has some kits.
I put 73 Duster brakes on my daughter's 67. You need to be careful what size brakes you use so they fit the wheels. I run a 14 inch wheel in the front and the Duster brakes do fit the wheels. Other kits may not.
When I Did my Disk brake conversion on my 67' Coronet I used 73 to 76 A-body spindles, rotors etc... It was easy, and in fact i installed the spindles backwards (passenger on driver side and driver on passanger side) so the brake pads bolt up on the opposite side, which i going to be closer to the doors. Purpose of this is to eventually install a front sway bar.
Great info guys . Thanks ! BooBoo