Full Version: for my Dad..thanks...
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Drag-Net Wrote:Keep the faith friend........ go be with your father....... and as hard as it may be to do, keep the peace with your brother and other family members during this time of uncertainty......... I wish you and your family the best.
Drag-Net Wrote:Keep the faith friend........ go be with your father....... and as hard as it may be to do, keep the peace with your brother and other family members during this time of uncertainty......... I wish you and your family the best.
Well said, I could not have said better.
I am also praying for you, your dad and your family.
Trust in the Lord, for He will give you strength in your time of need.
wishing ( and praying ) for the best and a speedy recovery ....
Thanks to all of you.God Bless you all.!!!.Bear R.-.(Barry)..
UPDATE.doctors are telling my family he's not responding 4th day now.nothing.!.well,last night my mom and my one brother went to the truck to go home while my real brother went back up to say bye..and while rubbing his arm,he opened his eyes barely,turned his head started moving his legs and looked right into his eyes and lifted his head about 4inches..and kept looking at brother kept telling him The Lord is healing you Dad, so you can come home w/us..come on dad get better..hi Dad we're all here we love you Dad were all waiting for you to come home w/us....NOW.!!.if the surgeon comes in today and says that's just his body doing this i'll freak out cause my brother witnessed a miracle..a miracle...see the doctors are saying just because he trys to sit up or moves a finger when they pinch it that's not really's not responding..its just his body doing that..well what my brother experienced last night was a genuine Miracle.!!!!.sorry for the long note had to let you guys in on the great wife and I are going down either today or if you don't hear from me you will soon.ok..take care all and God Bless everyone of you...Bear R.-(Barry).
Hope he is on the road to recovery..Thoughts are with you mate..
UPDATE.on Dad....8 days after surgery no response..but,on the 9th day he opened his eyes.and talked to doctors..!!!.they gave him something to pull out of the coma he was in 2 times they did this 2nd time he woke forward yesterday..he's up walking talking eating breathing on his own..he's back everyone..he's back..The Lord healed what the doctors said could not be done..they told me..if he does wake up he'll be like a little kid,or a vegtable,or he just might not wake up at all.well he's ok..he's a little slow but what can you expect for a serious brain injury..and 5 hours of surgery..well there ya go folks..thanks for all your prayers it certainly worked God shined favor on him.i'll keep you all updated ..God Bless you all.Barry..(Bear R.-)
That's great news Barry!!
That's so great to hear. Please keep us updated on his progress.
That's great!!
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