Full Version: My new '67 Coronet 500
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Here are some interior shots..

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Yup, nice car, Tekhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great looking car , glad you found your way here
Sharp car!
Not to be nosy, but what did you give for that beauty?

I paid 8 for mine last year. I stuck another 25 hundred into it.

Your car is way nicer than mine!!
Outstandig ! Beautiful ! What size tires are those . I got a copper coronet too ,,,,,,,, Lol but mines still sitting on the trailer waiting for me to do something with it . I got a lot of work to do .
BooBoo Wrote:Outstandig ! Beautiful ! What size tires are those . I got a copper coronet too ,,,,,,,, Lol but mines still sitting on the trailer waiting for me to do something with it . I got a lot of work to do .


P225 70 R14 98S
You car is truly a beauty. The white interior has always been a favorite of mine. I could never own a white interior... I would be cleaning it all the time Smile
I thought I would do the same. This interior is amazingly resilient.

I have only cleaned it once when it came out of the container from shipping.

Since that time it's been about 4 weeks and still looks fresh. Mind you, I don't jump in it covered in grease or anything..Smile
TekHousE Wrote:I thought I would do the same. This interior is amazingly resilient.

I have only cleaned it once when it came out of the container from shipping.

Since that time it's been about 4 weeks and still looks fresh. Mind you, I don't jump in it covered in grease or anything..Smile
I usally throw a sheet over the driver's seat when I'm out and about!
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