Full Version: 318 POLY INTAKE OIL LEAK
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Ok, here's an old school problem for you. I've got some leakage from the intake on my '66 Coronet on the passenger side rear. I've got a new gasket set coming but, since I haven't done this before, I'm looking for any tips you might have out there. I know I'll need to use sealant where the gaskets meet the front and rear seal pieces at the heads - wondering what's the best to use, RTV or ???

Car's like an old dog, has to mark it's spot every time I take it out!

Thanks to all!
Clean everything as clean as possible so the sealant can grip well.

I have best luck with Permatex Right Stuff, or Loctite Ready Gasket on both end seals and on the bolts.

I need to do my Poly engine soon in the wagon that reminds me, post some pics please. Smile

You need torque specs let us know.

Clean out the heat crossover in the intake while you have it apart.
drain the radiator to below the level of the heads or you stand a good chance of getting coolant in the oil when you remove the intake. I use sealant where the coolant moves from the head to intake too. make sure all surfaces are absolutely clean and wiped with paint thinner to remove any grease/oil before any sealer is used.
Thanks for the hints, guys. I have a shop manual, so torque specs aren't a problem. Also planning on cleaning out the heat intake too as I've had a few people tell me this can be a problem. Not sure when I'll tackle this but I'll try to post pics when I do. That end seal sealing problem sounds like the old small block Chevy problem - I remember helping my brother with a 327 engine years ago & we had to be very careful with that area.