Full Version: 1966 Coronet 440 2 Door Hardtop
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I like 66 Coronet's in this color.


[Image: %24T2eC16N,%21%29cE9s4PsT%21TBRzz-%21t%21FQ%7E%7E60_3.JPG]
That's a damn nice Coronet.
Not my favorite color but.. a damn nice Coronet!!!!
Nice Richard, but I think you need your eyes checked for color blindness. LOL
How come nobody likes Baby Blue?
theman440 Wrote:How come nobody likes Baby Blue?

I know that it's hard to believe because all of my Mopars are yellow Jeff, but I really do like the 66 Coronets in that baby blue color and this particular cars stance and wheels and tires set-up just looks really cool to me even though I'm not a big fan of running rear spring shackles like this car has. It needs some TLC, but it's a big block powered car with some other nice features and I think that someone is going to get a very cool ride if they purchase this one.


[Image: %24T2eC16J,%21zUE9s38-IrJBRzz8l1Thw%7E%7E60_3.JPG]

[Image: %24T2eC16Z,%21w0E9szNZs-qBRzz9TLw%28%21%7E%7E60_3.JPG]

[Image: %24%28KGrHqZ,%21nwFG1PiWj9YBRzz6hTJNQ%7E%7E60_3.JPG]

[Image: %24T2eC16N,%21ygE9s7HHqqEBRYM3r87ow%7E%7E60_3.JPG]

[Image: %24%28KGrHqV,%21lEFGo6GEG7nBRzz-ue5fg%7E%7E60_3.JPG]

[Image: %24T2eC16V,%21yME9s5qGsTcBRYMOKSNUQ%7E%7E60_3.JPG]
It is the exact same color combo as my convertible.
I have nothing against baby blue, I was just commenting on Richard liking a non yellow car. LOL
ws27 Wrote:I have nothing against baby blue, I was just commenting on Richard liking a non yellow car. LOL

Pretty weird huh Rich! Rofl
