Full Version: Dodge Fever Girls
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Google their name Steve - the internet doesn't lie
uh oh, hmmmmm .... the internet doesnt lie ..... i ll have to write that one down popcornpopcornpopcornpopcorn
JennFAFA Wrote:Google their name Steve - the internet doesn't lie

Steve is still trying to figure out how to text.. and you want him to Google?



I don't think he has a cell phone .....does he?
67440Dodge Wrote:Steve is still trying to figure out how to text.. and you want him to Google?

man, i havent seen one of those in years ...... typewriter that is ....
Mom, they're "picking" on me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON"T have a cell phone, my wife does, it's Trac, buttons are too small for me!!!!!!!!!! I have to have Mike post pics for me!!!!!!!!!
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