Full Version: Hello from Southern Alberta
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Hi people. I have recently acquired a 1966 Coronet 440 2 door that was parked in a field in 1978. It is quite a project, but as far as cars here go, it's not too bad. The engine bay, floors, trunk and frame rails are surprisingly solid. The quarters however are rusted and have 1970's bondy work on them. The interior is shot because the kids playing in the car left the driver's window down. The grill is a little rough but I may be able to fix it. I am planning on repairing the body and putting a big block in it. I just want to build a cool driver. Anyway here is a pick or four of my latest challenge
Cool project, thanks for saving that one.

I am glad you rescued this car from a fate worse than death. Welcome to the site!


Wow thats awesome ... car in a lot better shape than you would think for sitting outside for that long!
Good luck on it and please post pics of progress.
Hello to my fellow Hurtin Albertan..

where in Southern Alta are you from .... there are a few of us on here... great site and alot of helpful people when it comes to problems that need to be resolved!!
Im up NW of Edmonton.... I have a bunch of old Coronets if you need any parts.


Thanx all for the welcome.
4404spd, I'm in Lethbridge. It's good to know you have a stash! I will be needing parts. I am hoping to find a donor car that has bad frames and floor for a couple fenders, possibly quarters, grill etc. A friend here says he may know where one is. I will definitely keep you in mind though as I may be working up close to you this fall.
Hi and Welcome to the site !
Welcome to the site, looks like a great project you have there.
welcome to the site ....=)
Welcome to the forum from a fellow Canadian!! Nice save by the way!!
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